Wednesday, May 13, 2009

OpenCL 1.0 Conformance Candidate Release

We are pleased to announce the release of our OpenCL 1.0 Conformance Candidate to GPU Computing registered developers. You now have access to the OpenCL drivers we submitted this week to the Khronos OpenCL working group.

The release also includes several OpenCL SDK code samples and additional documentation to help you get started programming with OpenCL.

Please submit bug reports (and feature/extension requests) using the "Bug Report" link in top left when your are logged in. You may also ask questions and discuss this release and other OpenCL-related topics in the OpenCL developer forums, here:

It is recommended that you follow the installation instructions in the Release Notes for your platform. A driver update may be required, as noted in the release notes.

Please review the release notes carefully after installation, as this will allow for a much smoother introduction to the release. While this release can be used on a wide variety of NVIDIA products, only a subset were tested for this release.

High demand for these files may temporarily overwhelm our servers, so please be patient and try again tomorrow if your download does not successfully complete.

NOTICE: This release is made available to you under the terms and conditions of the end user license agreement (EULA) distributed with this release. If you do not accept the EULA, you do not have rights to use the files included in this release and must delete all copies of all files associated with this release immediately.

Source: Nvidia Online Update